Naming Convention
Although the naming of plugins, functions, or events is not an enforced rule, we recommend a few conventions to standardize things.
- Plugin Name: Let's consider a plugin which provides authentication, named as Auth.
- Class Name: The name of the class will be your plugin name suffixed with 'Plugin' i.e. AuthPlugin.
- getPluginName: When returning the name of the plugin, we add <plugin_name> with @, followed by the version. ex : Auth@1.0.0 (<plugin_name>@
). - Adding functions: While functions can be added to pluginStore with any name, to ensure uniqueness across plugins, we recommend the format
. Ex : Auth.authenticate. - Events: Events can be added and dispatched from pluginStore using any name. To show which event belongs to which plugin, we recommend the format
Ex: Auth.checking.
Example :
import React from "react";
import { IPlugin, PluginStore } from "react-pluggable";
class AuthPlugin implements IPlugin {
getPluginName(): string {
return "Auth@1.0.0"; //line 2
getDependencies(): string[] {
return [];
public pluginStore: any;
init(pluginStore: PluginStore): void {
this.pluginStore = pluginStore;
authenticate = (credentials: object) => {
// checks the credentials and returns username if matches.
return { name: "username" };
activate(): void {
"Auth.authenticate", //line 3
(credentials: object) => this.authenticate(credentials)
deactivate(): void {
this.pluginStore.removeFunction("Auth.authenticate"); //line 4
export default AuthPlugin;
We have seen in the class AuthPlugin that the name of the plugin is used several times. An alternate way is to define a variable that stores the name of the plugin and use that variable in the class wherever we want the plugin name.
import React from "react";
import { IPlugin, PluginStore } from "react-pluggable";
class AuthPlugin implements IPlugin {
private namespace = "Auth";
getPluginName(): string {
return `${this.namespace}@1.0.0`; //line 2
getDependencies(): string[] {
return [];
public pluginStore: any;
init(pluginStore: PluginStore): void {
this.pluginStore = pluginStore;
authenticate = (credentials: object) => {
// checks the credentials and returns username if matches.
return { name: "username" };
activate(): void {
`${this.namespace}.authenticate`, //line 3
(credentials: object) => this.authenticate(credentials)
deactivate(): void {
this.pluginStore.removeFunction(`${this.namespace}.authenticate`); //line 4
export default AuthPlugin;